Monthly Archives:June 2021

At Silverstone Podiatry, our Manhattan podiatrist wants to make sure that runners and joggers are fully prepared to avoid injuries and other maladies that may arise when you begin any exercise program. Some of the most common foot problems associated with jogging or running that our Manhattan podiatrist treats include blisters, corns, calluses, athlete’s foot,…

Before discussing what a bunion is, our New York podiatrist must first clarify what a bunion is not. A bunion is not a simple overgrowth of the bone at the base of the big or pinky toe. A bunion is caused by an underlying condition with the structure of your foot. The progressive disorder begins when the big toe, due to an…

Over exposure to the sun can affect any area of skin left unprotected. Feet can sunburn, as can areas behind the ear, on the scalp, and more. What can you do to protect your feet and treat uncomfortable sunburn? Maintaining proper foot care in Manhattan, NY, will help patients that preventative measures to enjoy this…

Do your foot and ankle swell more during the summer? Our Manhattan foot doctor has insight into common causes of foot swelling as temperatures rise. Foot swelling can make the area tender to the touch and cause footwear to feel more restrictive. Patients can turn to our Manhattan foot doctor to determine the cause and…

Our New York, NY ankle doctor sometimes gets asked to explain the difference between an ankle fracture and an ankle break. In truth, there is no difference between a fracture and a break. Both terms equally describe a bone that has lost its structural integrity through a crack, splinter, or break. Our New York, NY,…

Why Should You Trust Silverstone Podiatry? We Are A Technically Advanced Practice Specializing In Surgical Care.
Board Certified Experts Doctors Nick Argerakis and Adam Bernatsky are both board-certified, and fellowship-trained in foot & ankle surgery. Learn More
Advanced Technology From stem cell therapy to digital x-rays, we use the very latest in treatment protocols. Learn More
Second Opinions Welcomed If for any reason you feel unsure of your diagnosis, we encourage you to visit us to discover all your options. Learn More
Most Insurances Accepted We make the process easy and want to provide access to as many patients as possible. Learn More
Hope Empathy Honesty
Bunion Surgery Learn More
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Ankle Surgery Learn More
Your 5-Star Rated & New Favorite Podiatrist In New York
He set my mind at ease and was very professional. -Lauren
The reviews listed are from actual patients of Silverstone Podiatry. Individual results may vary. Reviews are not claimed to represent results for everyone.
What To Expect On Your First Visit We Look Forward To Discussing Your Goals & Answering Your Questions
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  • Have All Your Questions Answered
  • Complete Examination
  • Custom Treatment Options
Our Locations
115 East 61st Street, Suite 6A New York, New York 10065 Get Directions (646) 693-5468 Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm